How to sleep well ? It’s quite easy!!!


You’ve heard it before: sleep is important. But if you’re like most people, you don’t really know how to get the best night’s rest. The truth is that sleep is just as important as food and water when it comes to your health and well being. When we don’t get enough of either, we feel tired, irritable and often unable to function.

So what makes good sleep? Well first off, I’d suggest reading this article on the best ways to fall asleep (and stay asleep). Then try following these tips on how to get better quality shut eye!

Get in a good rhythm.

  • Get in a good rhythm.
  • Have the same bedtime and wake time every day of your life, for example between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., or 11:30 p.m., 2:30 a.m., etc…
  • Don’t sleep too much or too little—you should be able to fall asleep easily within an hour of lying down at night (ideally you’ll have managed this by 8 pm). If you don’t get enough sleep it can make it harder for your body to recover from exercise the next day, which will affect how well you feel physically as well as mentally!
  • Don’t nap during the day either—it’s bad news bears! Naps are great if they’re short enough not to interfere with anything important (like work) but if they go on too long they won’t do anyone any favours because they’ll end up feeling tired again after waking up so quickly from them when really what we need is more sleep instead.”

Take a short nap.

Taking a nap is one of the easiest ways to get a good night’s sleep. Naps are an important part of our daily routine, but they’re often overlooked because they seem like such a hassle. But napping isn’t just for lazy people anymore! If you want to improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, taking regular afternoon naps can help with that too—and here’s how:

  • Lie down in bed when it’s time for bedtime or after lunch; this will help relax your mind and body so that both wakefulness and drowsiness won’t interfere with sleepiness at bedtime (or during other times).
  • Trust that drowsiness will come over time if you settle into a comfortable position on your back with pillows propping up both sides of your head so there’s less pressure on any one area where nerves might be sensitive; these same tips apply if someone else has agreed beforehand not only about where exactly each person wants them placed but also whether as well as what kind thereof!

Focus on sleep quality.

You need to focus on sleep quality.

Sleep quality is the most important thing you can focus on in order to achieve a good night’s rest. It’s not just about sleeping well, but also feeling rested and refreshed when you wake up. The quality of your sleep directly affects how well you perform at work or school, so it’s worth taking some time each day to make sure that your body is getting enough restful shut-eye—and that means avoiding things like caffeine intake before bedtime because they will keep you up longer than necessary (which defeats their purpose).

Get up early.

  • Get up early.
  • Get up to do exercise and move around, or meditate, or write a letter to your loved one. This will help you sleep better at night because it helps your body release endorphins that make you feel good and relaxed. It also gives your mind something to focus on other than worrying about how much time has passed since the last time you went to bed (which is usually way too late).
  • When I was in college, I would get up at 5am every day so that I could read before class started at 7am sharp! The best part was getting into my favorite chair by the window with coffee & chocolate chips ready for me when I arrived home from class – which meant there was no need for an alarm clock!

Put exercise at the right time.

Exercise at the right time.

There are three good times to exercise: morning, afternoon and evening. The reason is that they correspond to natural biological rhythms that occur in most people’s lives. You need to make sure you go to bed when your body tells you it’s tired enough, so if you exercise too early or too late in the day, it could lead to injury or other problems. It’s best if we just follow nature’s course and stick with these rules as much as possible!

Relax with meditation and body scans.

  • Relax with meditation and body scans.
  • Meditation is a great way to relax and sleep better, especially if you’re stressed out or anxious. It can help you feel more at ease during the day and wind down before bedtime. You’ll also find that it has positive effects on your sleep quality, because it promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels in general (which can make it harder for us to fall asleep).
  • Try out these simple guided meditations from YouTube channel Calm Down America!

Don’t drink coffee late at night.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it can keep you awake. It can also cause sleep problems and insomnia.

Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and soft drinks like cola or chocolate milk. A small cup of coffee has about 100 mg of caffeine while a large cup has 200 mg to 400 mg (1). Drinking just 1-2 cups a day will lead to fluctuations in your blood pressure, heart rate and energy levels (2). If you have high blood pressure & heart disease then this could be very dangerous for your health!

Limit alcohol and nicotine.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, limiting alcohol and nicotine might help. Alcohol is a depressant, which means that it causes you to feel sleepy at first and then wake up later in the night. This can happen even if you have had a normal amount of sleep time; the body still needs time to recover from its effects on the brain. Nicotine is another stimulant that can prevent good quality sleep (and even cause insomnia). It’s best not to smoke before bedtime unless necessary because cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, an odorless gas that affects your breathing rate and may make getting enough oxygen into your bloodstream difficult.

Use light to your advantage.

The light is one of the most powerful tools that we have in our arsenal. It can be used to help you sleep, wake up early, relax and even make you feel better overall.

You can use light as a wake-up call if your alarm doesn’t go off or if it does but doesn’t wake you up enough for your morning routine (like brushing your teeth). You can also use it as an aid for falling asleep at night by leaving any room with some natural or artificial lighting on so that darkness isn’t an obstacle anymore! You may want to consider purchasing an eye mask because they will block out all but 1% of available light which helps ensure that no unnecessary sensory stimuli gets into our brains while we’re trying their best not fall back asleep again…and again…and again…and once more…..

Rest well after traveling.

  • Sleep in a dark room.
  • Sleep in a quiet room.
  • Sleep on a comfortable bed.
  • Sleep in a room with a comfortable temperature (20 degrees or less).
  • If you are unable to get away from the noise of traffic, consider getting earplugs or eye masks for yourself and/or your children; these can be purchased at any drugstore or online retailer such as Amazon .com: [insert link].

It’s easy to sleep well, but you need to know what you’re doing!

It’s easy to sleep well, but you need to know what you’re doing!

You need to know how to sleep well.


It’s not rocket science, it’s just a matter of getting the right combination of things to work. If you follow these tips, then you’ll be able to sleep well and feel great in no time!

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