How to confess to your parents that you are gay without shocking them?


Confessing to your parents that you are gay is difficult, especially if they don’t know much about the subject. You don’t want to upset them or cause them unnecessary pain and distress, but at the same time, you want to be honest with yourself and with them. There’s no right or wrong way to do it; simply find what works best for you in order to make this as easy on everyone involved as possible.

Tell them gently, or have somebody else do it.

If you are not ready for this conversation, don’t do it. You might try to avoid it by saying that you need some time alone and then coming back with a better explanation later. This can be dangerous because your parents might think that their child is hiding something from them or, even worse, they might think that you are planning on leaving home soon.

If you feel like crying while talking about this subject with your parents, then please let me know, so I can help support in any way possible!

Explain to them that you have feelings for men.

  • Explain to them that you are attracted to men and not women.
  • Explain that you have had these feelings for a long time and that it is not something you are going to change.
  • Explain that this is who you are, and it has nothing to do with how much money your dad makes or what colour his car is (although those things may be important).
  • Make sure they know that this is not a choice—it’s who we are!

Promise them that your life will not change based on your sexuality

When you come out to your parents, they will be very upset. They might even think that you are dead or something similar. Your parents may not understand why this is happening and what it means for their lives and family. So, in order for them to accept that you are gay and not change anything about their relationship with you, promise them that nothing will change with regard to who you are as a person or how much love they have for each other because of this news!

Talk to some of the elders in the family and know what they think about being gay

The next step is to talk to some elders in your family and find out what they think about being gay. This might be difficult, because if you’re living with them, and they know that you are gay, then it can be hard for them to keep quiet. However, there are some ways that you can approach this problem:

  • Talk to your friends’ parents, who might be open-minded enough to listen without getting too shocked or embarrassed by their children’s confession (if any).
  • Ask other people who are also gay whether they have talked about it with their parents before coming out as such; these individuals will most likely have dealt with similar problems, so they could give advice based upon experience rather than speculation alone!

Being gay is okay, and if you are a gay person, it is okay with some people.

Being gay is okay, and if you are a gay person, it is okay with some people.

You can be religious and still be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and more! If you are a Muslim convert who’s been going to church every Sunday for eight years now… well then it’s not really such a big deal any more (for them).


We hope that this post has helped you to come out to your family and avoid making a bad situation worse. However, you should never feel obligated to tell them because they might not be ready for it. If they are not ready, then keep your mouth shut and avoid embarrassing yourself by revealing something that they do not want to hear about or know about.

2 bình luận cho “How to confess to your parents that you are gay without shocking them?”

  1. Hope that people will be more open !!!

    Đã thích bởi 2 người

  2. Thank you for sharing! I had to deal with coming out as gay recently and will take any advice I can get lol

    Đã thích bởi 1 người

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